
If you are a foster parent then this story will not surprise you one bit.  Not one.  Since we are certified foster parents for the state of Tennessee and have a sweet foster daughter in our home currently this means her caseworker or our caseworker can show up at our home at any moment completely unannounced.  Did you read that?!?!?!  Any moment.  Unannounced.  Holy geez.  Like even when I am losing my mind on an older Kelley kid who is just acting a fool.  Or let’s take the other morning for example.

On Friday’s Josh Kelley has to leave early so I am solo getting everyone ready and to school.  The kids don’t start school until 8am so I’m typically just rolling out of the bed around 7/7:15ish on Friday mornings.  But this Friday morning decided to be super snarky and sassy.  Solomon and Hudson we’re up way too early and Amon was apparently wreaking all kind of havoc throughout our home…as in getting every single toy out, throwing legos all over the floor and throwing all the pillows and cushions off the couch.

Also Josh and I were right in the midst of an intense stale mate on who was going to break down and load the dishwasher first.  This can only mean 2 things: 1) The kitchen smelled bad.  And 2) The sink was literally overflowing onto the counter tops with dirty dishes.  The struggle is real people.

I was abruptly awakened from my slumber by Hudson yelling…”Mom, mom!  Someone is knocking on the door.”  In my groggy sleepiness I rolled out of bed very confused…A) By the state of our house and B) By who on Earth was at our house at 6:45 in the morning.  I looked out the side window and did not recognize the car in our driveway.  Harper and our littlest came strolling out of their bedroom awakened by the commotion as well.

I open the door and there stood our foster daughter’s case worker.  “Good morning.”  Ummmm, no.  No this is not a good morning.  I tried to act like we’d been up and at it for hours.  “Hahahahaha.  No, we always wake up at 5am sharp to kick our day off right.”  Then my brain started processing what was taking place and I casually start putting the cushions back on the couch only to notice Harper had no pants on.  Oh geez, oh geez.  Sometimes the girl gets hot and off go the pants.  The whole visit was just awful, but I imagine she’s seen worse.  Or heard worse while creeping outside someone’s house unannounced.

She bid us a happy Friday and then went on her way.  I stood there for a moment super bewildered.  What had just happened?  I walked around the corner towards our bedroom and thats when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  Then I just stood there staring at what was the glory of my physical appearance.  And snapped a picture because this was just too much of a train wreck not to share.

Harper walked up behind me as I was just in awe of myself in the mirror.  She’s always been spot on for picking up our emotions and feelings.  She simply said, “You should probably write her a sorry note.”  And then I laughed so hard.  And text Josh Kelley.  And then text my friend Courtney, told her the whole story and told her I was thankful for grace…because most days I’m just a hot mess in need of ample amounts of grace.

Here’s to it people…to grace…and a smelly house that’s a wreck, kids with no pants and bed head hair in the best kind of way.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Yikes! Our child’s caseworker showed up at 8:30 at night unannounced and I thought that was bad! 6:45am! That is crazy! My caseworker actually always calls and told me to ask the caseworker for a heads up next time when she is on the way over so I am not putting kids to bed when she arrives and throws everything off. That is in Oklahoma though and I know everywhere is different. I do not know what I would do if they woke me up…

  2. You still have the precious child in your care. so it couldn’t have been to bad. LOL. I totally understand unexpected visit but at 6:45 in the morning, no one is welcome at my house and she got what she deserved. Love the Doo, you could start a new fad hairstyle. Love you girl you make my day.

  3. Gretchen says:

    Oh my! That’s too early at our house too. Seems a bit strange to drop by at that time to me. Bed times and morning hours should be off limits. Isn’t it funny how when someone calls, we make ourselves act like we’ve been awake forever, and sounds like it was the same when they came to your house in the early a.m? Not sure why we do that but it just happens before we can even think! Your hair was looking awesome though!

  4. Laughing with tears! Oh my goodness! One of my favorite posts ever! You are a ROCK STAR in my book! Keep being real and living out loud. 🙂

  5. Our first post placement visit (with a new caseworker) was the first night our 2nd baby boy decided to sleep late. After having no sleep for so long I hadn’t set and alarm and we woke up to a disaster of a house and a case worker at our door. I had totally forgotten she was coming. She was very gracious, but I was totally embarrassed.
    Luckily I can look back now and laugh.

  6. This is amazing. Upon first read I thought you were the one without pants, not Harper. Which would be totally reasonable at that hour, but slightly more embarrassing. Go you for welcoming us all in to your REAL. 🙂 Also, great news of a case worker that actually makes visits.

  7. Our case worker calls and wants to come in 15 mins. One day as I’m waiting for him my little one who was just learning to walk fell and cut his eye! The case worker came and we were headed to the ER! What a day! Lol

  8. Rebekah Thomas says:

    Laura, this is too funny! Had a good laugh. You so rock!!

  9. This is hilarious! However I am a state case worker. I’m in another region but same state. I understand unannounced visits but I have not heard of workers doing visits at 6:45 in the morning! Heck I am rarely awake at 6:45 in the morning!


  1. 9 Things says:

    […] happy to report the ones who were awake were all wearing pants.  This is progress compared to LAST TIME.  I will gladly take […]

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