Hi! I’ve been missing you guys, but life is just crazy-to-the-town lately. We’re trying to be flexible and roll with it, but man, sometimes it’s just hard. I don’t even know where I left off here on our kindness advent. I really like to give you guys ideas to use or change or adjust for your own families. We were suppose to paint rocks and leave them at the park/sidewalks one day. The kids love this one. Instead of rocks, this year I asked my FIL to cut some slices of wood for the kids to paint. I might never go back to rocks again. So crazy cute.
The kids wrote Christmasy notes one day, taped gift cards to the back and then left them in shopping carts. I loved this one because they did it all and when it was time to drop them in carts I seriously just drove around the parking lot, opened the van door and children would hop in and out doing their drop offs.
We took Josh’s dad…aka Big Daddy…out to the movies. Big Daddy is always treating everyone else so we treated him. And let me just say how flippin’ fantastic the new Star Wars is!!!! You guys, if you have not seen it yet, oh my. It’s crazy crazy good. Everyone loved it…big and small. We then proceeded to talk about the movie for hours after it was over. Ahhhhhh, we all want to see it again.
Tonight we’re doing our surprise yard inflatable. Josh Kelley had a stroke of genius last year when he added this to our list. It has become a fast favorite. Last year they chose a 7ft tall polar bear, but this year then went smaller. Santa Yoda…yes, please. They are super pumped.
Tomorrow we are buying someone’s lunch.
We’ve been taking the kids on solo dates to do their shopping for their siblings. Last year Harper was the only one who chose me. Wah wah. This year Hudson is the only one who chose me. Clearly Josh Kelley is a fan favorite. Hudson is also the only kid who picked breakfast and a Krispy Kreme breakfast at that. Not a bad deal on my part. Oh man I like that kid.
Our shopping is all done. Kids are wrapping presents and we still have a few to wrap as well. I also have 2 things left to make…I do this every year. Procrastination is my game. I can’t believe Christmas is almost here. Hope you’re ready.
See you tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday.
As always, love your post! I have a question about the inflatable though, do you buy battery operated ones? How do you know you’ll be able to find a place to plug it in? I wanted to add this one to our list this year, but wasn’t sure! I’m hoping to add it next year and maybe catch one on mega sale after the holidays. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So we actually do a little homework for this one. We choose who we want and then scout out their place so we know what’s needed. You can totally get the battery operated ones, but last year and this year we got ones that just use a plug. Also we found ours this year for 50% off. Score.
The guy on the left of the grown ups picture is a big Hudson look-a-like!
So funny…and I completely agree. That’s one Josh Kelley’s brother!