Bottle Of Tears

Today is the last day to vote in Noonday’s Go Getter’s Getaway contest for a chance to win a trip to Guatemala.  I am so thankful for all of you who have voted and shared and encouraged me in this.  Thank you!!!

Here’s the deal…if I get to go, fantastic…if I don’t, then I don’t.  Goodness knows this doesn’t make or break me, but I realized I wanted my last day of voting to be a little different than the other days.  There are so many ladies who totally deserve to go, but I figured out through this process that Lindsey, creator of Bottle of Tears, is a fellow Tennessean.  Shortly after Everett died we received one of her amazing Bottle of Tears packages which was crazy sweet.  I’ve read through Lindsey’s entries and exchanged messages with her and gosh, I just totally want this fellow mama to go.  Also her daughter is from Guatemala and since we just got to enjoy China with Shuai and soak up his culture I can relate to Lindsey wanting to go back to her daughter’s birth country.

I’ve only been in contact with Lindsey shortly, but already we’ve exchanged numbers and she feels like an old friend.  So today let’s rally around this mama who loves big and feels deeply for the world.  She’s totally got my vote and I’d so love if you voted for her today too.  It’s crazy easy…just CLICK HERE and vote!

While we are practically drowning in grief God continues to show me bright spots.  Lindsey is definitely one of them!  Make sure to check out her story…let’s always sing a song of hope.


  1. Voted (last night) for both of you. This was a really classy thing to do.

  2. I just saw that YOU and LINDSEY Both WON! Hip.Hip.Hooray! I am so excited to follow that trip! Big Hugs to you both! Love Ya! – Jo

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