Big Day

1. Let’s start with the really really good stuff.  If you didn’t read my post about Everett’s best friend being adopted by some of our dear friends who literally live 10 minutes from us then grab a tissue and hurry on over HERE to catch up.

(Let’s talk about that little arm hold…gah!!!!  I love these two.)

Josh and Brooke are working like mad to bring their son home…Everett’s bestie.  These boys have such similar special hearts and a deep rooted brotherly connection.  Today is a big day for Shuai.  Brooke and I were texting and she said, “I just wish he was already here for Shuai as he starts this process.  I feel like they need each other just like we do!”  I absolutely ugly faced sobbed.  As a parent of adopted kiddos you long for these connections and now Shuai will have such a special connection.

The Carman’s have a 100% tax deductible account set up with Adopt Together to help knock out the last of their funds and quickly HERE.  Please join us in supporting them and their crazy amazing little boy.  We’re seriously holding our breath for him to get here and reunite with Shuai.  Let’s share with everyone we know and let’s rally together in support.  Everything is so much sweeter together.

2.  Shuai is having a really important heart cath today…well, actually right now.  I turned my alarm off at 4:45 this morning and hit the floor.  I’m typing this all out in the waiting room at our children’s hospital with a nervous stomach and Josh Kelley keeps rubbing his neck.  Now he’s standing nervously holding the back of a chair.  Ha.  He’s going to love this.

 We’ve already been thanking God for being His mighty good self.  We are praying for miraculous news today.  This boy…actually…both of these boys we’ve shared with you guys are just unreal…larger than life…crazy special…heart warriors in every sense of the word.  Today feels big because it is big.

God is in the business of the super natural…the wondrous…the miraculous and we are choosing to believe in Him and in His power.  Thank you for praying with us.  Here I go again, but it means the freakin world to us.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining with us and for all your love, support, kindness, generosity and goodness.  We are forever grateful.

Happy Wednesday.



  2. Praying hard for Everett and all of you! That photo of him in yellow on the hospital bed is the BEST!

  3. I love to pray for you all.

  4. Sending you so much strength today! Hoping you got some good news and the procedure went well <3

  5. I have one of those special heart babies from China who wore that same great yellow set of pjs. We had such a great experience with Vanderbilt. Couldn’t ask for better care. If you don’t know him, look up Jansen. He did our daughters caths. Talk about a sobbing mess. He asked could he pray with us and knelt beside the bed before surgery and prayed with our family in pre-op. Precious- it helps to know God is working through the hands working on your child not only because you are praying but the doctor is also in prayer. Hope all went well.

  6. Oh, Laura! Just now reading this and praying everything went amazingly well! Love you all & looking forward to meeting sweet Everett!

  7. Robin Faulks says:

    Rhonda and I have been praying… Looking forward to an update on that sweet baby boy, hope your family has a wonderful Easter

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